672 DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event
673 Expected at least one argument
674 Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop
675 Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.
676 Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
1000 Properties ...
1001 SSTabs
1002 Infragistics ActiveTabs font can't be rotated
1003 The Font property is set to a NON TrueType font which can not be rotated.\n\nTo rotate the tab captions, change the Font property to a TrueType font.\n\nNote: You must also change the FontSelectedTab and HotTrackingFont properties to TrueType fonts in order for those fonts to be rotated.
1004 The FontSelectedTab property is set to a NON TrueType font which can not be rotated.\n\nIn order for this font to be rotated it must be set to a TrueType font.\n\nNote: The HotTrackingFont property must also be set to a TrueType font in order for it to be rotated.
1005 The HotTrackingFont property is set to a NON TrueType font which can not be rotated.\n\nIn order for this font to be rotated it must be set to a TrueType font..
1006 Specified key is invalid
1007 Specified index is invalid
1008 The Key value already exists
1009 The Key value has to be a string
1017 Specified control is invalid
1018 Specified Tab is selected. Selected Tabs can't be made invisible.
1019 Invalid name passed in
1020 Tab already has an ActiveTabPanel
1021 Tab control must have at least one visible Tab
1022 Error accessing passed in object
1023 R&emove Current Tab
1024 &Add New Tab
1025 This is the default area.\n\nAny controls placed in this area will be shown on every tab.
1026 This tab does not yet have an ActiveTabPanel.\n\nPlace an ActiveTabPanel control here prior to adding any other controls.
1027 Can't Remove Tab
1028 This tab has an ActiveTabPanel control on it.\n\nYou must first remove the ActiveTabPanel control in order to remove the tab.
1029 You can't remove the last tab since there must always be at least one tab.
1030 Please Note
1031 This tab does not yet have an ActiveTabPanel. Any control placed on a tab without an ActiveTabPanel will appear on all tabs.
1032 Default Tab area
1033 Can't select a disabled or invisible tab
1034 The Caption value has to be a string
1035 Can't select requested tab
9000 (Picture - %s)
9001 All Picture Types|*.bmp;*.cur;*.dib;*.emf;*.ico;*.wmf|Bitmaps (*.bmp;*.dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Icons/Cursors (*.ico;*.cur)|*.ico|Metafiles (*.wmf;*.emf)|*.emf;*.wmf|All files (*.*)|*.*||
9002 Unknown
9003 None
9004 Bitmap
9005 Metafile
9006 Icon
9007 Color Property Page
9008 Colors
9009 Font Property Page
9010 Fonts
9011 Picture Property Page
9012 Pictures
9013 0 - None
9014 1 - Fixed Single
9015 (Font)
9016 (Color)
10007 Out of memory
10017 Unable to perform the requested operation.
10053 File not found
10057 Device I/O error
10064 Bad file name
10067 Too many files
10070 Permission denied
10075 Path/File access error
10076 Path not found
10380 Invalid property value
10381 Invalid property array index
10500 Property is read-only
10501 Property unavailable at design time
42504 Product is not installed properly (must be installed using its setup program).
42506 Version |1 of |2 - |3 not found.
42511 Version |1 of |2 - |3 update failed.
42512 This demo will expire after |1 usage day(s) or |2 calendar week(s), whichever comes first.
42513 The demo period for this product has expired.
42514 The non-activated usage period will expire after |1 usage day(s) or |2 calendar week(s), whichever comes first. You need to activate this product using the Product Activation Wizard.
42515 The non-activated usage period for this product has expired. You need to activate this product using the Product Activation Wizard.
42520 Property supports icons only
42521 Error starting Properties Editor:\n\n
42522 |1 not found.
42523 |1 [Error |2]
42524 Error saving control's properties.
42530 Object is in use and can not be removed from collection.
42531 One or more objects are in use and can not be removed from collection.
42550 Unlicensed Copy Notice
42551 Unlicensed Copy - For Demo Use Only
42552 The initialization process has determined that this product is currently unlicensed. Additional information:
42553 You may freely use this software for design time evaluation purposes only, subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement. An executable created with this unlicensed copy will display a notification screen when run.
42554 To obtain a valid license:\n\n- Call 1-800-231-8588 or\n- Fax us at 1-609-655-5353 or\n- Send e-mail to sales@infragistics.com
42555 This program was created using an unlicensed (demo) copy of the above product. Please contact the author/vendor of the program.
42556 Non-Activated Copy Notice
42557 Non-Activated Copy - For Temporary Use Only
42558 The initialization process has determined that this product has not been activated. Additional information:
42559 You may freely use this software for design time purposes only, subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement.
42560 To activate this product run the Product Activation Wizard from the Start Programs group.\n\nTo obtain support activating this product contact us at 1-609-655-5000 or Fax us at 1-609-655-5353 or\nvisit our web site at www.infragistics.com.
42561 \n\nTo obtain support activating this product contact us at 1-609-655-5000 or Fax us at 1-609-655-5353 or\nvisit our web site at www.infragistics.com.
42562 \nThis product must be re-installed before it can be activated.
42563 Non-Activated Copy - Requires Re-Install
42800 The Key value has to be a string
42801 Error accessing passed in object
42802 Specified key is invalid
42803 The Key value already exists
42804 Specified index is invalid
42805 This object is no longer active
42806 This collection is read-only.
42807 ImageList must be initialized before it can be used.